Friday, July 18, 2008

Disneyland 2005... I think! :o)

Lexi and I love for love Aura!  She is our favorite!  This is the only time we have been able to have our picture with her and we've been there many, many times!  
Lexi, Tummon and I
Me and the kids hanging with Goofy!  These pics are from three years ago.  The kids have grown so much as you will see... I can't help but post them though, we had such a good time!

Cruela and Lexi

Lexi asked Cruela for her autograph...
Upon examination of Lexi's lanyard Cruela discovered that while Lexi had all the princess pins, she didn't have ANY of her!  She started giving Lex a hard time and told her that she must have a pin of her on her lanyard and to go get one "Immediately!!"

Lexi agreed to get a pin and Cruela agreed to pose with her.  She REFUSED to touch Lexi however!  It was SO funny!